
Minggu, 26 Desember 2010


There's a person I love
The people around me are all good people
I have a place to live too
I wear nice clothes and I get to eat delicious food
I can laugh
I don't have pain or other kinds of suffering

I thought this was happiness
Until I met You


Dear Pensieve
Kata-kata itu, aku dapet pas aku baca "Sanctuary",
Aku emang ga tau, kata-kata itu mau aku tujukan buat siapa.
Tapi pas aku lihat kata-katanya, aku cuma refleks ngopas dan curhat di kamu.

Aku enggak tau kenapa kok aku suka sama kata-katanya,,
Terjadi gitu aja tuh.

Mungkin suatu saat, kata-kata ini akan berguna.
Suatu saat nanti.
Entah kapan.

2 komentar:

  1. komik apaan itu ?? bagus ta ?? kok gambarnya gitu ???

  2. Oii... woahahaha. Aku baru tau kamu ngomen. Walopun suda kita bahas diskul, apa salahnya aku bales disini?

    Okeh, itu komik "Love Mode" tapi ada satu bab judulnya Sanctuary. Hahahaha.


Aku dengan cuap-cuapku...
Kalian,, dengan cuap-cuap kalian :D

SS501 as my boyfriend.... "SAENGI" !!!!

Farah "Ae Ri"'s Result: Heo Young Saeng
on quiz: SS501 As Boyfriends
Your ideal boyfriend is Shy Prince Heo Young Saeng! He's the shy, quiet type, but smoldering underneath is a romantic guy who will sweep you off your feet.
Quiz SchoolTake this quiz & get your result