
Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Kirio's Second Book Signing and J-law newest photo

Thank so so... again to Julalug Akiwumi who share Kirio's second book signing photo below at 3 July 2011. I still dunno where she grab this photo, hahahh. However, i feel grateful every she share kirio's photo which i cant find out anywhere. even in his web page.

Speaking of which, according to his stat on his web page, Kirio's second book signing was hold at Beijing New World Department Store on the second floor Chongwenmen Library.

Here the photo...

*sigh* Kirio masih tetep kurus ajah, saya sampai sedih sendiri ngelihatnya. Tapi dia tetep kebangganku dan Jlaw. LMAO.

Kapan ya aku bisa beli novelnya kirio? kapan juga aku bisa ketemu kirio? Sukur-sukur sekalian ketemu Jlaw dan minta tanda tangannya.

Eng... by the way, Jlaw update his stat 8hours a go. I dunno the means of his stat, cuz he use mandarin chinese and I cant speak or read chinese *poor me* here the stat...

夏河 : 众人问我(为何不去骂吕孙夫妇)我反问(我为什么要骂他们?)他们说(因为他们歧视同性恋)我说(他们45°角鄙视了我,可我75°角鄙视了他们,该抓狂的是他们啊。何况爱我的男人比吕多,爱我的女人比孙多,我不战自胜。且若不是这些年有那么多人骂我又怎会越来越多的人爱我呢?我早赢了啊

and when i use google chrome for translate it automatically, i still cant get the meaning of his stat. Google Chrome's translation was so confusing. I didnt get it at all. if anybody get the meaning, comment pleas, tell me.

Here the translation by Google Chrome

Xiahe : people ask me (why do not criticize his wife Lu Sun) I asked (why should I curse them?) they say (because they discriminate against gay) I said (45 ° angle they despise me, but I despise the 75 ° angle them, the crazy is that they ah, not to mention the man I love more than Lu, a woman I love more than the Sun, I do not fight from victory. and if not so many people all these years how I will get scolded many people love me? I had won ah

I only get that someone ask Jlaw why he didnt hate 'the one' who discriminate against gay? and he said that... (probably) it's not necessary to do. and the rest,, about the angle... i dont get it at all. i wanna know what the point of his stat. seems that he talk about kirio... am I rite? if anyone knows, would u like to tell me?

And yeah... just now, I get the newest photo of my Xiahe ♥♥♥

Here the photo and...

[While working, kid next door came to visit. Photo taken on July 4, 2011 by Kevin L.(photographer and business partner)]

Look at him,, he still as handsome and manly as the last time i see him. Love him ♥ and his wife, Kirio of course. haha. Dan nggak ada yang nyangka cowokse ganteng itu umurnya udah 30 taon. Uohh~ sama kayak Kaname-sama, Kaname-sama juga umurnya sudah 30 taon. Akhir2 ini fenomena cowok awet muda bener2 menjamur.

I think it's enough for today Jlaw and Kiri's corner. Let's hope that Jlaw and Kirio will be together and never over forever. We Love You... Jlaw... We Love You Kirio... ♥

Ohh, I almost forget. I just know that Jlaw has a sister. I get this photo and surprised...

Kirio still looks so young, rite? My friend said that Kirio was still 16 in that photo. And the girl's name was Maggie, Jlaw sister. Eww... kayaknya si Maggie gemes bener sama Kirio.. dia kayak bilang, "Aduh, istrinya adikku kok manis banget yak. Keren banget adekku satu itu dapet brondong kayak begini" hahhaha.

8 komentar:

  1. Hi....
    ngondek yo. Kok gak mesisan ae jadi cewek.... seh...!!!*cubit2 pipi Kirio

    Aku iso'! Aku iso' bantu kao mengerti apa statusnya iko.
    *nelepon Kingone

  2. perimis... numpang comment boleh?? heheh

    Wahhh?? kalau tahu... Novel Kirio itu tentang apaa???
    hahahh iyaa... rahasia awat muda JLawi itu apa yahhh~ ;)
    teruss di foto walau confersi gitu mereka masih pake celana pendek yahhh -__- hahah...

  3. Ins : mbuhtala~ mungkin kirio diciptakan jadi cowok untuk untuk menyenangkan hati para fujoshi?
    kalo kirio cewek, tidak lucu kalo dia pacaran sama jlaw :D *ohh sesatnya diri ini*
    dan,, yo... telpon o kingone cepetan yoh. butuh.

    Kuro : okeh.. feel free komen disini :D Novelnya Kirio itu berisi berbagai macam cerita pendek karangannya dia. Saya ga yakin sinopsisnya gimana sih ^^ tapi yang pasti, dua minggu novel itu rilis, sudah sold out :D Kirio memang keren~

  4. Frey, tolong dijemput awardnya. kasian...

  5. Wahh... kok mereka pada hidup untuk dunia seni gitu yahhh... hahah XD

    wihhh saya juga mau bacaaa! XD

  6. nenek : besok ya nek,, sumpah malem ini saya lagi galau...

    mbak indi : ehh? ada mbak indi.. iya mbak, hehe

    kuro :iya,, tauk tuh. emang pada sehati itu suami istri... ;D

    aku juga pingin beli TwT huhu..

  7. hari ini di blognya j. law juga dia update sesuatu. check aja.


Aku dengan cuap-cuapku...
Kalian,, dengan cuap-cuap kalian :D

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